
A collection of my best work. Includes work for clients and personal projects.

Farm the Gap

  • concept
  • design
  • development
  • copywriting

Farm The Gap is a educational game about food impacts and agricultural land use. Modeled on real-world data, it challenges you redesign our global farm to feed the future sustainably. It also features a learning centre: six articles by me that dive deeper into food systems and the environment.

Global Influence Index

  • brand
  • design
  • development
  • 3d

The Global Influence Index uses an interactive 3D globe to compare the economic, political, and security influence of the US and China in 191 countries. For this project, I designed the GII brand identity, and designed and developed the website and data visualisations.

Myanmar Conflict Map

  • data analysis
  • design
  • development
  • consultancy

The Myanmar Conflict Map is a platform to visualise and analyse the war in Myanmar. I led all design and implementation, including a dashboard of 20,000+ conflict events and six interactive visual essays. I also wrote scripts to reshape and significantly optimise the raw API data.

Koalas need forests

  • research
  • design
  • development

An educational piece for the Bob Brown Foundation on what koalas need, why they are in decline, why they are important, and what can be done to save them. Incorporates customised interactive maps, animated charts, satellite imagery, and entertaining graphics.

Asia Power Index

  • consultancy
  • UI & data update

Uses data comprising 131 indicators for 26 countries over 5 years to assess the power of Asian states. I have led annual updates since 2021, updating the database, improving user interface, implementing new data visualisations, and incorporating historical data capabilities.

Youth National Security Strategy

  • development
  • animation

Australia’s first youth-led security strategy. The brief was to build an engaging reading experience for a 30,000 word report. Achieved through a unique navigation and fluid animations, the end result would capture the attention of policy-makers and young leaders alike.

The Great Koala Debate

  • concept
  • design
  • development
  • research

A concise, accessible, and shareable interactive version of a 300-page parliamentary inquiry report, complete with maps, media, and charts.

The Diplomat Database

  • design
  • development

An animated global map and dashboards for each posted city explore how politics and gender shaped Australia’s diplomatic profile.

The Collingwood Daicpies

  • concept
  • design
  • development

A tiny exploration into a big question: When could the Collingwood Magpies field an entire team of Daicos-es?

Indo-pacific Operating System

  • design
  • development

A simple microsite where five experts debate how to shore up social, economic, and political order in Southeast Asia.

Covid Performance Index

  • design
  • development

What impact have geography, politics, population, and economic development had on COVID‑19 outcomes around the world? This site gathered 500,000 visits in 3 months. Visit the archived version below.

Ladakh Crisis Maps

Key locations in the India–China border conflict: “These are the most elegant and easy to read maps of the Ladakh crisis that I’ve seen, and I’ve seen many” – Arzan Tarapore, Stanford scholar.

New Caledonia votes

Visually compares how indigenous identity strongly correlated with a positive vote for independence in New Caledonia's first referendum on independence from France.