
Handy little things I've built for the web people.

Highlight and save text on any web page. Fast, secure, and helps you stay in flow.

Highlite: A Chrome Extension

Highlight and save text on any web page. Fast, secure, and helps you stay in flow.

Use this easy interface to quickly generate an image preview for social platforms like Twitter, LinkedIn, and Threads. Outputs a cropped 1280×720 thumbnail.

Convert any image to a social media thumbnail

Use this easy interface to quickly generate an image preview for social platforms like Twitter, LinkedIn, and Threads. Outputs a cropped 1280×720 thumbnail.

Fill your designs with the greatest lyrics ever written. To honour the legendary Bob Dylan, <em>Dylan Ipsum</em> is a lorem ipsum placeholder-text alternative that uses lyrics from his 677 songs.

Dylan Ipsum

Fill your designs with the greatest lyrics ever written. To honour the legendary Bob Dylan, Dylan Ipsum is a lorem ipsum placeholder-text alternative that uses lyrics from his 677 songs.